HRTS eNews - 04/30/2008  (Plain Text Version)

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In this issue:
HRTS News & Announcements
•  HRTS Presents "It’s Time To Rewrite The Story…Just Don’t Get Sick!"
•  HRTS: Where do we go from here?
•  HRTS: The Cable Chiefs 2008
•  PwC Outlook: What Internet Fans Can Teach Television
•  From the Executive Director
•  Funny Is As Funny Does
Member News
•  Profile: Jeff Bader
•  Profile: Tracy Katsky
•  Welcome new HRTS Members
•  JHRTS News & Announcements
About The HRTS
•  Officers, Board of Directors, Staff


From the Executive Director

Sometimes I just feel like getting on a soapbox…..

By Dave Ferrara, HRTS Executive Director
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately.  (I know, that can only lead to trouble…)  But I really have been inside of my own head of late and I’m starting to come to some realizations.  Most notably, I’ve realized that I am completely addicted to the ongoing political drama that has swept over the country.  I mean truly addicted.  Like where’s my Entourage or morning Starbucks Blackeye addicted…  It’s some compelling TV!  I don’t think I can recall a time, at least since season one of The Sopranos where one TV show (and yes, it is arguably the best reality show on the air right now…apologies to Idol) has commandeered the water cooler talk like this one.  Thank God for Barack, Hillary, McCain, Bush, Bill Clinton, et al.  Central casting couldn’t have picked more compelling characters.  Add in the secondary storylines between Olbermann and O’Reilly, CNN versus Fox News Channel, young versus old…   Hope.  Fear.  Race.  Gender.   Puleeese.   It seldom gets any better than this.  Is it just me or does anyone else feel like maybe Aaron Sorkin (early West Wing Sorkin…not the Studio 60 one) is hiding somewhere backstage scripting this?

So what does that have to do with HRTS you may ask?  Aside from giving me an opportunity to string a few of my favorite things together in a paragraph, the other thing that ties it together is the fact that the nation’s pre-occupation with all things politics, health care, the economy, the environment, etc. has reminded me that there’s a whole bunch of stuff going on in our world that will need to be fixed in the coming years, and its probably up to each and every one of us to roll up our sleeves to get it done. 

I know, it’s a lot easier to simply wait for our elected officials to figure it out, but how well has that worked out for us so far?  Fortunately, we can thank Al Gore and his slideshow for bringing a new awareness to the issue of the environment and global warming.  And Clooney is all over the terrible situation in Darfur, and I pray he is successful as what is going on there is a tragedy of epic proportions.   It also looks like between Brad, Angelina, and Madonna, there probably won’t be many
more orphans left in Africa to adopt.  (okay, I’m being a little sarcastic…)   Which leads me to my point.

On May 29th, the HRTS is partnering with the AARP, The Entertainment Industry Foundation and The Motion Picture & Television Fund to present a special HRTS Newsmaker Luncheon looking at the looming health care and financial security crisis that is or will be confronting each and every one of us.  Its not going away folks and the time to start talking about it is here.  No, I’m not advocating that we will go into the writer’s room and emerge with “The Health Care Solution” episode of Prison Break, but there is a lot we CAN do.

How can our industry shine a light on the problem?  How can we raise the volume of the discussion above the petty political squabbles that seem to surround it?  How can we get average Americans (yes, our viewers) to engage in the conversation?  There are no easy answers to this very serious problem, nor do we pretend to be the forum from whence the solution might germinate.  But can’t we use our soapbox to engage the entire country to a: recognize the severity of the problem and b: actively participate in the debates and discussions that will eventually lead us to the solution?  

Good news!  Some of our brethren are already doing it…and doing it successfully!   Shows like Idol Gives Back, Grey’s Anatomy, ER, House and even The Office who have used this issue as a foundation or background for their storytelling.  We just know that Hollywood, through the creative genius that we play with everyday can have an impact on this very important and pressing issue.  So join us on May 29th at the Beverly Hilton, along with Jeffrey Katzenberg, Sally Field, Tony Goldwyn, Neal Baer, D.L .Hughley, and many more special guests for this very special HRTS Newsmaker Luncheon event.   Let’s see if we can get the conversation started.  It’s important to us all whether we realize it or not so we might as well participate! 

Now I have to run.  I Tivo’d O’Reilly and Olbermann and I need to catch up on the ongoing battle…  See you at the next luncheon.

Dave Ferrara