HRTS eNews - 09/24/2007  (Plain Text Version)

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In this issue:
News & Announcements
•  Network Chiefs to launch 2007-08 Season
•  HRTS Announces New Officers
•  Television’s Turning Point
•  From The Executive Director
Member News
•  Profile: Henry Schleiff
•  Profile: Rob Golenberg
•  Corporate Member: Hollywood Reporter
•  Corporate Member: BET Networks
•  Welcome new HRTS Members
•  News, Announcements from JHRTS
About The HRTS
•  Officers, Board of Directors, Staff


From The Executive Director

An era ends...and I graciously yield the floor.

By Dave Ferrara, HRTS Executive Director
In 2003, when I was named Executive Director of HRTS, I had the priveledge of taking the reins of the organization from Gene Herd, a gentleman whose commitment and dedication to HRTS, and to his many other interests outside of our industry, has been a constant reminder of just what kind of mark an individual can make in the world around them.  I have leaned on him for historical perspective and objective viewpoints and his support, friendship and encouragement have been invaluable and greatly appreciated.  After nearly thirty years, Gene's final day in the office is September 27th and with that in mind, I yield my monthly column to his parting thoughts on HRTS and his experiences here.  Enjoy.

By Gene Herd
September 14, 2007
After nearly three decades with the Hollywood Radio & Televison Society, my contract will end on September 27.  It has been my honor to work with and serve the men and women of the HRTS.  Freedom of expression is America's greatest export and the HRTS has always hosted the leaders and studied their product from Petri dish through autopsy.  (Hey, there's a new show.)

When I began working at HRTS with my mentor/employer, the late Ollie Crawford, the industry was still in the penumbra of the Golden Age when three networks and a handful of talent and ad agencies printed their own money.  Following the Big Bang to every electronic media imaginable, I'm pleased that the HRTS has remained the place where industry leaders still go to meet with their peers.  Through the HRTS Holiday Parties, International Broadcasting Awards (in 65 countries), Video in Classroom Awards (VIC), mentoring programs, university scholarship programs, and newsmaker luncheons, I've worked on more than 300 consecutive HRTS events (executive producing all of them from 1989 through 2003).  I have written, edited and published every flyer, newsletter and magazine during that same time.  I have had the unique priviledge of observing the men and women who spawn popular culture as few others.  Although I plan to continue attending HRTS events, it will be, alas, as a civilian.

This is a good time to move on.  The HRTS is healthy and growing with a new young and talented staff led by Dave Ferrara.  For the time being, I look forward to running more errands for my wife Marilyn, doing volunteer work with ESL children, bicycling, playing drums, reading, writing, learning French, riding trains, and helping in any way I can in restoring our country to peace and reason.

Thank you for your kindness, support, and friendship and,

Thank you for letting me be of service,

-Gene Herd