HRTS eNews - November/December 2009  (Plain Text Version)

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In this issue:
•  Six Hitmakers coming to HRTS 12/16/09
•  Legend
From the Executive Director
•  Bumbles bounce! (and other random holiday musings…)
Member Profiles
•  Debbee Klein
•  Kelly Goode
HRTS Online
•  Vin Scully video and pics posted
Member News, Benefits and Perks!
•  Exclusive HRTS member Benefits
•  Welcome New Members
•  HRTS Member Spotlight - Tom Tenowich
•  JHRTS News & Announcements
About HRTS
•  Officers, Board of Directors, Staff
Season's Greetings
•  Happy Holidays!


Bumbles bounce! (and other random holiday musings…)

By Dave Ferrara, HRTS Executive Director
So who out there was surprised to see the number one rated show last Wednesday evening was the old classic holiday story, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?  That’s right…the 1964 classic by Rankin/Bass that features old school stop motion animation, Sam the singing snowman, Yukon Cornelius, Clarice, the Bumble, and at the center of the story outcasts Rudolph and Hermey, ostracized by their peers for being different and ultimately discovering that it’s their differences that make them special…

Yup…That’s the one!  I don’t know about you but I look forward to Rudolph (and of course that other classic Frosty the Snowman) every year as the proper kickoff to my holiday season. And although I have the DVD set… it just isn’t the same as gathering with your loved ones on the couch, popcorn and hot chocolate at the ready for this annual TV classic. I know I seem a bit effusive in my Rudolph love but hey… I’m obviously not alone (as evidenced by the ratings!)   

So why am I starting this month’s column getting all smarmy over Rudolph? Simple. I just want to point out what all of us in this business already know deep down in our hearts. That television at its best can bring us together as no other medium can. Millions of people across the country gathered to watch Rudolph and Hermey’s annual adventure, and even though we all know how the story ends it still makes us feel all warm inside when Santa finally asks Rudolph to lead his sleigh that foggy night. (btw… I’ve seen this show probably 50 times and I just noticed that when Santa’s sleigh takes off at the end… there are only seven, not nine reindeer in front of it… hmmm… wonder which two were cut from the final edit..)

In any event, the bottom line is good storytelling and a creative presentation will always draw viewers, whether every week or in Rudolph’s case, every year. Quality television doesn’t just appear however. It springs from the fertile minds of creators and executive producers. HRTS has established our own tradition of honoring and showcasing these creators at our annual Hitmakers Luncheon panel, which will be held on Thursday December 16th at the Century Plaza.  Participants this year include Ryan Murphy (Glee, Nip/Tuck), Steven Levitan (Modern Family), Matthew Weiner (Mad Men) and Carter Bays and Craig Thomas (How I Met Your Mother).  Moderated once again by the unpredictable Peter Tolan, this panel has become one of our most anticipated events of the year because… well… you just never know where the conversation might go!

I know that we are all starting to look forward to our annual holiday break, but I hope that I can entice all HRTS members to stake out a couple of hours next Thursday to gather together with us at the Century Plaza Hotel. Mix and mingle with your industry colleagues, catch up with old friends, eat some lunch and enjoy a peek into the minds of some of the most talented and creative people in town. It’s always entertaining, sure to be fun and is a great way to wrap up the year and head off into the holiday break! 

I hope to see all of you at the luncheon and if, for whatever reason, you can’t make it then on behalf of all of us at HRTS I wish you all the season’s best and look forward to a happy and prosperous new year!

Dave Ferrara