HRTS eNews - 11/13/2008  (Plain Text Version)

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In this issue:
Newsmaker Luncheon Series
•  Wall Street's View of the Future of Television - November 20th
From the Executive Director
•  I Made It Back ...
•  The Networked President: Former President Bill Clinton visits the HRTS
•  PwC Outlook: The Best of Both Worlds: Impact and Immediacy
Member News
•  Profile: Nancy Dubuc
•  Profile: Ryan Ly
HRTS Online
•  HRTS' Smug Mug
•  JHRTS News & Announcements
Member Information
•  The Science and Entertainment Exchange
About The HRTS
•  Officers, Board of Directors, Staff


Profile: Ryan Ly

HRTS Member - Agent, CAA

A member profile by Chris Davison,
Ryan Ly is a television agent with the Creative Artists Agency. Starting out at UPenn, Ryan has since had a chance to participate in many facets of the creative process. I recently had a chance to interview Ryan to discuss agents, iPhones, and the writer’s journey.

Q: Can you tell us about your background and what made you want to work in entertainment? How did you get involved with the HRTS?
-I've always been fascinated by the arts and media. While attending the University of Pennsylvania, I had the unique opportunity to study under the tutelage of some great writing professors and film historians, who helped shape my early interests in pursuing a career in entertainment. I was particularly intrigued by the writer's journey: the way he/she participates in the evolution from script to screen. I knew that I wanted to be a part of that creative process in some way, and working at an agency offered both the resources and the opportunity to realize that ambition. At CAA, I've had the distinct honor to continue in the tradition of advocating for creators, whether they be scripted writers, non-scripted producers, directors, or new media talent. I became involved in HRTS after serving on the Executive Board of JHRTS. Former JHRTS Co-Presidents, Jacob Fenton and Kiersten Robinson, gave me the opportunity to work on behalf of the organization as Treasurer. In serving as a liaison between JHRTS and HRTS, I was able to meet Dave Ferrara, Jennie Nevin, and various members of the HRTS Board, all whom have been incredibly helpful and supportive in my continued participation.

Q: What are some of the benefits you received from being in the JHRTS?
-Much like the agency mailroom, JHRTS offered a unique place and community to build more significant relationships with young executives and agents. The members of my JHRTS class are now some of my closest friends and colleagues. I believe that we all feel a sense of solidarity having served together on the JHRTS Board, and this proximity also contributes to sharing business across our respective companies.

Q: How do you identify talent, how do you know when someone has the potential to be a star?
-We often find that assessing talent and potential is a fluid process. At the center of each creative pursuit, though, there is almost always a distinct gravitation to the artist's storytelling ability. As agents, we yearn to be awestruck by new voices, by a provocative piece of material, or by a pioneering vision.

Q: iPhone or BlackBerry and why?
-I'm fascinated by the iPhone, but, admittedly, I'm a BlackBerry guy. There's just something comforting about typing emails on a mini keyboard.

Q: How do you see the television industry changing over the next few years?
-While the television business has grown increasingly competitive, we continue to be excited by the new avenues and opportunities for our clients to develop and sell original programming.